How Do I Register for VAT?

Value Added Tax (VAT) is what’s known as a type of ‘consumption tax’ – a form of tax applied to eligible goods and services. Fortunately, not all businesses need to register for VAT – only those whose taxable turnover reaches the registration threshold. When a business reaches this point, there are several ways in which…

Can I Register for VAT as an Individual?

Can I Register for VAT as an Individual?

Knowing whether you need to register for VAT, and how it all works, can be daunting. One of the first things to trip up lots of people is that registering for VAT is based on your business’s turnover, not on what type of business it is. So, whether you’re an individual sole trader, a limited…

Where Do I Find My VAT Rerence Number Featured Image

Where Do I Find My VAT Reference Number?

Your unique VAT number is shown on the registration certificate which HMRC issue when your business becomes VAT registered. You can also view it by signing into your online tax account (or asking your accountant). What does my VAT reference number look like? If you have a UK VAT number it will be 9 digits…

Can I Register for VAT Before Reaching the Threshold?

Current VAT rules require that a business to become VAT registered once it hits £90,000 a year in VAT taxable turnover. But, can a business register before that? The short answer to this question is yes. Businesses can register for VAT even if they haven’t yet reached the £90,000 registration threshold. Whether or not this…