What Are Payments on Account?

If you’re about to submit a Self Assessment or you’re still fairly new to it, then you might stumble across ‘payments on account’. These are basically advance payments that you make towards your self-employed tax bill, but not everyone needs to make them. To help you plan ahead and manage your cash flow, we explain…

What You Need to Know About Self Assessment

What You Need to Know About Self Assessment

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) use the Self Assessment system to collect income tax. While the idea of submitting a tax return can be daunting, Self Assessment is normally more straightforward than it seems (once you get past the terminology).   Who needs to complete a Self Assessment tax return? In most cases, anyone who…

The Benefits of Submitting Self Assessment Sooner Rather than Later

The Benefits of Submitting Self Assessment Sooner Rather than Later

Completing a self-assessment tax return isn’t something that many businesses look forward to, but that doesn’t mean that it always has to be stressful. Although there are other priorities to juggle, there are plenty of reasons to get ahead and complete a return sooner rather than later. Why submit a tax return earlier? There are…

Don’t Forget About Self Assessment

When Do I Need to Submit My Self Assessment?

There’s always lots to do and plan when you’re running a business, but taking care of your tax return shouldn’t be near the end of the list. That’s right – we said it – the Self Assessment deadline is never more than 12 months away, so getting your finances records ready will help. It’s a…