How Do I Register as a Sole Trader?

Fancy launching a new business? Many people set up as a sole trader to begin with as it’s quick, easy and cheap to do. But what should you consider, and how do you actually register? Don’t worry, that’s not us asking you – let’s take a look. What is a sole trader? Being a sole…

How Do I Become Self-Employed?

If you’re at the point where your skill, passion or side hustle seems to be a viable means of self-employment, congratulations! This is your first big step to entrepreneurial success and it’s a super exciting time. You know you want to be self-employed. You’ve got reason to believe it’s going to be a great move….

Is My Startup Still a Startup?

Saying you’re a startup business has a certain appeal – it’s trendy to pop in a LinkedIn post, and an ultimate icebreaker at networking events. But being a ‘startup’ simply means your company is in its first stages of business – and it comes to a point where that’s no longer the case. So, how…

Bookkeeping for Your Side Hustle

With the cost-of-living soaring, many of us are looking to make a bit of extra cash in our spare time. After all, there’s more opportunity to earn money online than ever. But before you jump in, it’s worth doing your homework, especially around bookkeeping and tax. We’ve put this article together to get you started…