Customer Service Tips During a Crisis

Customer Service Tips During a Crisis

In an ideal world, customers would be understanding during a crisis. In an ideal world, there wouldn’t even be a crisis. Unfortunately things are far from perfect at the moment, and the current COVID-19 pandemic is causing stress levels to skyrocket. And, as any customer services worker will tell you, stress can turn even the…

Could Your Business Benefit from an Affiliate Programme

Could Your Business Benefit from an Affiliate Programme?

Affiliate programmes can be a useful string to your marketing bow, and they come in all shapes and sizes. In its basic form, an affiliate programme essentially pays someone for recommending your business or services….

Six Important Steps to Take Before Rebranding a Business

Six Important Steps to Take Before Rebranding a Business

Rebranding a business is a huge decision to make that often takes up a lot of time, money and stress to execute effectively. For that reason, our friends over at Team Organic have put together a few points for you to consider before you go ahead for the full rebrand….

Seven Ways To Get the Most from Business Networking

Seven Ways To Get the Most from Business Networking

Networking has become one of those overused buzzwords that can make us cringe. But if you’re self-employed or a small business owner, you can’t afford to ignore the opportunities and benefits networking can offer. Whilst typical networking events are basically speed dating for business, they can feel very contrived. Plus, everyone in that room is…

Client Referrals

How to Successfully Get Quality Client Referrals

Getting new clients on board can be done with many different tactics. Discounts, email marketing campaigns and the classic sales techniques can all be part of your strategy to finding new clients who will stick….