How Do I Manage my Business Finances?

Maintaining the financial side of a business can be a delicate balancing act, no matter how great your products or services are. Even in businesses with a high volume of sales, lack of financial management could see you end up with a serious cash flow problem. If you don’t know where you stand with exactly…

What Does Supply Chain Management Mean for Cash Flow?

When you manage your own business, it can be hard to keep track of suppliers and make sure you’re getting the best deals throughout your supply chain. One thing you’ll want to see as part of this is a ‘positive’ cash flow. This simply means there’s more cash coming into your business than there is…

What are Balance Sheets?

The idea of looking at financial reports for your business can feel unnecessarily corporate. After all, you’re not running Amazon (unless you are, in which case our performance report is going to look amazing this month). Anyway, our point is that financial reporting isn’t just for big organisations, and anyone can benefit. Which is why,…

Using Pandle Projects for Charities to Record Grant Funding

Running a charity is an exciting prospect, but charity accounting can be a little tricky to understand. They have different rules and regulations compared to ‘normal’ businesses – especially when it comes to managing things like restrictive funds. For context, if you run a charity with one or more restrictive funds, you need to show…