The Employer’s Guide to Setting up a Workplace Pension

If you’re about to hire your first member of staff, then working out how to set up a staff pension is a big (and legal) priority from the minute you start hiring. As an employer, you’ll need to open a ‘workplace pension’. Who qualifies for this, and how you auto-enrol them can be a bit…

Do I Need to Register for PAYE?

Pay As You Earn (or PAYE for short) is the process used by employers to collect Income Tax and National Insurance on behalf of HMRC. Employers make tax deductions from the wages they pay to employees, and then pay the deductions to HMRC, but not all employers need to register. Who needs to register for…

Paying an employee

How Do I Pay a New Employee?

If you’re getting ready to take on an employee for the first time, there’s a lot more to it than just paying their salary every month, but it’s still an important part of the process. We thought we’d dive in and take a look at everything you need to get started paying your new member…

Recording Benefits in Kind in Your Bookkeeping

Recording Benefits in Kind in Your Bookkeeping

Some employers provide perks, known as Benefits in Kind (BiKs), to employees and directors that aren’t part of their salary, such as:   Company cars used for private trips Non-business entertainment Assets bought by the company that are for private use Private health insurance Gifts which are given as a result of the employee’s performance…