What is Bridging Software?

Bridging software allows businesses to link their financial records to HMRC in a way which complies with Making Tax Digital rules. Quite literally, it ‘bridges’ the gap between non-compatible records (such as spreadsheets), and HMRC.   Making Tax Digital: A quick rundown Though Making Tax Digital compliance can still send a shiver up the spine…

Switching to Pandle: A KashFlow Alternative

With the rollout of Making Tax Digital taking hold more and more businesses are getting to grips with digital bookkeeping software. So, what are your options? There are certainly plenty of software providers to choose from, covering a broad range of features and tools at different levels. Here at Pandle we set out to provide…

Bookkeeping for Limited Companies

As the owner of a limited company—or any business for that matter—annual accounts and tax returns are unavoidable (sorry). Before you get to that point though, or rather, to even get to that point, you’ll need to master the art of great bookkeeping. If it all sounds a bit daunting, don’t worry. We answer some…

Bookkeeping for Sole Traders and Partnerships

Bookkeeping for sole traders and partnerships doesn’t have to be difficult, but there are things to be aware of before you start your business life. If you get the numbers wrong it can be embarrassing to say the least, but mistakes have even more significance than that. If you submit incorrect accounts to HMRC, don’t…

Switching to Pandle: A FreshBooks Alternative

If you’re in the process of researching free online accounting software which you can use easily with your business, then you’ve probably spotted all sorts of options so far – Pandle included! Pandle is simple to use, actively helping you reduce the risk of accounting errors, and has the sort of timesaving bookkeeping tools that…