Pandle Support Pages Are Now Live!

Helping our users make the most of their Pandle account is important to all of us here at Pandle HQ.

We want to provide each and every user with a simple cloud accounting solution that you can easily use, without the hassle of complicated functions and features.

However, we aren’t naive.

We know that no matter however simple something may be to use, not everyone has the same set of needs.

Requirements of Pandle vary depending on if you’re a small business owner, a freelancer or an employee keeping track of extra income. This can cause confusion – as everyone will have a different set of questions for the processes they use.

When these things happen, it’s good to know that there’s a support system you can head to where all your questions can be answered – no matter what category you fall into.

Luckily for you, we’ve been working on our Pandle support pages, which we’re happy to announce are now live.

These aren’t just instructions on how to use Pandle; they are a support system that you can head to for all your Pandle needs.

In our interactive pages you can read around the topic in question, and if you still struggle to find the answer you can pose it in the comment section where a member of our support team will get back to you.

Currently there are four sections that make up our support pages; ‘A Short Overview of Pandle’, ‘Using Pandle’, ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ and ‘Troubleshooting’. Within each section is a list of different categories to choose from.

Pandle updates 2017

We’ll be adding to these pages constantly as new queries come up, so don’t worry if you can’t find what you’re looking for – the chances are we’re already working on it.

Sound good? Great! If you’re having any difficulties we’ll ask you to first consult these pages and if you still can’t find what you’re looking for, then get in touch with the Pandle support team.

Pssst… if you have any feedback for us, we would love to hear it! You can catch us on Twitter with all your fabulous ideas for the future of Pandle.


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