Flagging Bank Feed Transactions in Locked Accounting Periods

Pandle Update: Flagging Bank Feed Transactions in Locked Accounting Periods

You know what’s worse than finding a forgotten cup by the side of the sofa after you’ve finished the washing up? Not finding it for months. The same applies to your bookkeeping. Being alerted to possible issues is always better than having them develop into a full-blown crisis in the future. It’s why we’re here…

minimising bookkeeping errors

Pandle Update: Minimising the Risk of Bookkeeping Errors

Controlling or avoiding mistakes can be tricky, especially when you’re running a business and multi-tasking furiously to get everything done. Here at Pandle HQ our goal is to relieve some of the burdens of managing your business. It’s what drives us to continuously improve our cloud accounting software, helping to reduce the number of errors…

Pandle Update - Filter Your Bank Accounts Graphs by Currency

Pandle Update: New Bank Accounts Currency Filter on Dashboard

The Dashboard in Pandle is designed to give you an up-to-date snapshot of the finances in your business. It’s a masterpiece of colour-coded financial transparency. Looking at a graph of your bank account balances can be a bit difficult to interpret though, especially if it shows multiple currencies at the same time. To make things…

Marking Bank Accounts as Inactive

Pandle Update: Marking Bank Accounts as Inactive

Life can be very noisy, can’t it? When you run your own business there are lots of things demanding your attention – usually within the next five minutes, if not five days ago. It’s why we think it’s so important that Pandle makes it as straightforward as possible for you to take care of your…

Pandle Update - Easily Identifying Bank Transactions

Pandle Update: Easily Identifying Bank Transactions

You know that feeling of satisfaction when things are just working perfectly? Well, that’s exactly how we want you to feel about your bookkeeping, too! To make it as easy as possible for you to manage your business accounts, we’ve developed some new functions in our Banking tools. Just think of them as a few…