Business Reputation

Five Steps to Building a Good Business Reputation

Getting your business ‘out there’ and attracting loyalty and great reviews can seem an uphill struggle for small business owners. However, there are smart strategies you can use to establish and enhance the reputation of your business….

Advertise Your Small Business

Six Ways to Advertise Your Small Business on The Internet

It’s hard to imagine that any type of small business could thrive and grow in a developed country today without having a presence on the internet. Increasingly, the internet is where your customers are hanging out, interacting, shopping and being entertained. And that’s why the internet, when used properly, can be a powerful tool for…

video marketing

How to Kickstart Video Marketing For Your Small Business

In case you haven’t heard, video marketing is the biggest thing in content creation at the moment. If you want to jump on the bandwagon and get followers interacting, here’s a quick how to on everything you need to do….

Keeping Loyal Clients

A Guide to Finding and Keeping Loyal Clients

An issue freelancers encounter regularly is struggling to decipher between clients that will stick with you through thick and thin and clients that will run a mile as soon as you so much as utter the word ‘invoice’….