How Do I Claim Business Expenses as a Sole Trader?

How Do I Claim Business Expenses as a Sole Trader?

As a sole trader, you’ll be used to handling everything yourself. From marketing to sales, and everything in-between, it’s down to you. It means that you’re also liable for everything financially, including those tax bills. That’s where expenses come in. It might not sound very exciting, but keeping track of your expenses can significantly reduce…

Do I Need a Separate Phone for my Business?

Do I Need a Separate Phone for my Business?

Lots of people decide to use their personal mobile number when starting a business, as the most straightforward way to get going. If you are thinking of using your own phone as the business line though, just remember that this can affect how you claim expenses, the image it presents, and even what happens as…

Understanding Business Expenses

Understanding Business Expenses

It’d be great if all of the money flowing around your business was only that coming in, but the reality is that if you want your business to thrive you need to spend money on it. This sort of spending, or any payment which happens for the business, is a business expense. You need to…

Calculation Financial Budget Count Tax Vat Wage Concept

Is Your Profit Figure Telling the Truth?

How can you be sure that you allocate costs for your business accounts in such a way that your profit figure is accurate about the state of play? It’s not always clear cut which business costs you should include in your profit and loss account….

Travel Expenses

Can Small Business Owners Claim Meals And Travel Expenses?

When you are growing your business, every penny counts. Learning what you can and can’t claim as expenses on your taxes is essential, as this will not only save money but will also ensure that you don’t fall afoul of the HMRC at the end of the year. To ensure you don’t lose out and…