Pandle Update: Reducing VAT Registration Errors in Pandle

Everyone likes to make a good first impression, but sometimes getting off on the wrong foot has more serious consequences than others. Even something that seems small, like accidentally entering the wrong VAT scheme start date into your bookkeeping software, can take you from ‘Making Tax Digital’ to Making Tax Dreadful’. Horrifying.

Fortunately, Pandle’s algorithms and error-detection processes are always whirring away in the background, working hard to protect your bookkeeping from potential errors. And, to make sure we keep your bookkeeping records as accurate as possible, we’re always looking at new ways to reduce the risk of mistakes.

Our latest update will help you select the correct VAT registration date in Pandle. Based on first impressions, we think you guys are going to get along great.

Getting started in Pandle

Here at Pandle we want every aspect of your bookkeeping software to be as simple as possible, right from the start. As well as product tours and guides, and our Live Chat support team of trained bookkeepers who are always here when you need them, you’ll be asked a series of questions so Pandle can help you set up your account correctly.

To help you provide the right information, Pandle will respond dynamically. For instance, you’ll only see questions asking for your VAT registration information if you tick to confirm that your business is VAT registered.

It just helps to avoid any confusion. But as this is Pandle, we wanted to go one step further in making it as clear as possible to enter your VAT details correctly.

Helping you set up your VAT scheme in Pandle

Pandle will ask you to confirm your VAT Registration Date, and the date which your business registered on this VAT scheme (just in case you changed schemes at any point after registration).

To help you avoid any accidental errors that could cause issues later on, Pandle will now show an alert if you enter a VAT scheme date which is earlier than the VAT Registration Date.

It’s just another way of helping to minimise any time-consuming mistakes creeping into your bookkeeping. They don’t make a good impression on anyone.

Learn more about Pandle’s time-saving bookkeeping tools and features, and create your free account.

Ronan Ferguson

Marketing Executive and Part-Time Copywriter. When I'm not working, you'll likely find me in an MMA gym, or knocking balls around with a wooden stick on a green baize.

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